Heritage president rails against birth control, IVF, abortion, childlessness, and dog parks
Last edited Thu Aug 1, 2024, 02:19 PM - Edit history (2)
https://www.mediamatters.org/kevin-roberts/forthcoming-book-heritage-president-rails-against-birth-control-ivf-abortionIn forthcoming book, Heritage president (Kevin Roberts) rails against birth control, IVF, abortion, childlessness, and dog parks
He labels reproductive choice methods as a snake strangling the American family. From page 63:
We need to understand what could be called contraceptive technologiesrevolutionary inventions that shape American culture away from abundance, marriage, and familyin the same vein. They shift norms, incentives, and choices, often invisibly and involuntarily. Conservatives inveigh against no-fault divorce, the Sexual Revolution, and the destruction of a culture of hope without recognizing that these cultural changes are all downstream of technological ones.
Roberts blames contraception for a rise in abortion rates. Also from page 64:
As other kinds of contraceptive technologies spread, abortion rates went up, not down. Why? Because technological change made having a child seem like an optional and not natural result of having sex and destroyed a whole series of institutions and cultural norms that had protected women and forced men to take responsibility for their actions.
Somebody get Kevin the phone number of Paul Dolan, a professor of behavioural science at the London School of Economics. Dolan said women who are not married and do not have children are the happiest group in the population. He also said that unmarried and childless women are also likely to outlive their married child-rearing counterparts and are healthier than them.
What color is the sky in Kevin Roberts' world? His world view is other-worldly. I don't think he and I live on the same planet.
Unmarried, childless women are the happiest. Kevin. Your wife must be miserable or dead from all the stress you cause her.
And the quote about the snake. Ugh.
Let's blame Eve. Her original sin.
A very long time ago, snakes were seen as the feminine divine. Cleopatra studied cobra venom. When she wasn't busying running Egypt.

(36,739 posts)It's not transcendent to give birth and then go into poverty.
I am just so damn tired of these assholes that think they have the right to force THEIR views and religious beliefs down all of OUR throats.
All of this BS is getting bulldozed in November!!!!
(19,486 posts)Which is CODE for "We want more WHITE couples to have babies they cannot afford to have so that we do not become a minority population within a generation."
Who can argue with that?
Ocelot II
(123,549 posts)they're going after dog owners - dog parks are anti-family because those areas should be for children instead of dogs. "Roberts rails against the Swampoodle dog park in Washington, D.C., for having too much room for dogs to play and not enough for children, blaming this on the antifamily culture shaping legislation, regulation, and enforcement throughout our sprawling government." Fuckin' weirdo.
OK, dog people, it's your turn.
(25,497 posts)These holier-than-thou f*ckwads need to shove it back up their trumphole and STAY the F*CK OUT of people's private lives. If a woman wants children but cannot conceive naturally, she has a perfect RIGHT to seek other means. It comes under that "pursuit of happiness" umbrella that they never read.
(25,497 posts)They have no duty to procreate if they wish not to, for WHATEVER reason they see fit
Kevin and his clown-wits need to go sit on a few cactuses. Saguaros.
Got a perfect one for ya here, Kevin.
(59,165 posts)Last edited Thu Aug 1, 2024, 01:27 PM - Edit history (1)
helping us Dems defeat the in-everybody's-business rethugs in the upcoming election.
And this guy (he of the "the second American revolution will be bloodless if the left allows it), is not an old curmudgeon. He's relatively young but thinks he and the rethugs should regulate everybody's business..in bedrooms, closets, monitoring womens' periods...I mean, COME ON.
IMO more voters will not stand for this crap than will want to go along wih it.
Let the uptight busybody keep talking.
More voters are turning to our energetic and appealing VP for leadership.
The rethug attitude of "you must have childern, it's expected", is not what people want to hear.
Ocelot II
(123,549 posts)brush
(59,165 posts)Not appropriate, but appropriate to your post...the Spanish language has a phrase for it: Qué cojones!
Stardust Mirror
(644 posts)the reason so many women are childless is because they keep meeting men like JD Vance
(59,165 posts)Wednesdays
(20,379 posts)
(10,755 posts)People with children should be and probably are,
the least likely to vote for a party that intend to poison water, air, Food, with zero regulations, strip health care from them, eliminate public education, tell them what they can and cant read, at risk daily of being shredded with war toys, and never have a vote again to fix it.
(6,915 posts)What a fucking weirdo.
Ocelot II
(123,549 posts)People who have dogs are taking their dogs to dog parks to play when they should be having children and not wasting time, energy, money and real estate on dogs. If you have a dog you're probably just as bad as a cat lady, maybe even worse, because at least there aren't cat parks taking up real estate that should be for children.
(6,915 posts)of the park. At least the parks around here. Good grief. What next? Take down the basketball courts? Only have baseball fields?
Aside from me trying to sarcastic. All those people that support republicans, because they want to own the libs or anti abortion, anti immigrant or anti anything, should understand, it never stops with the people you dislike. Sooner or later they come after something you like.
(2,959 posts)Mrs. Kevin Roberts!
The people of Lander, WY didn't appreciate Kevin's prudishness. Probably don't want him to return to Wyoming when the Heritage Foundation gets bored with him.
In 2015, for example, a gathering of the Wind River Pride organization in City Park was countered by a college-sponsored traditional marriage picnic a week later in the same spot.
Shop owner Susan Meeker tired of Catholic college co-eds coming into her womens clothing store on Main Street to complain that window bra displays were upsetting male students.
I was having a bra fitting event and fundraiser for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer, said Meeker, who now lives in Colorado, and I had a poster with a picture of a woman wearing a bra. Nothing trashy, slutty or whatever. Just a very sensible bra. These students came in all upset and wanted me to take it down.
In the biographies of Kevin that I read, he rarely, if ever, mentions his family.
Rather pompous Kevin just bloviates and lectures and goes on and on and on. Blah blah blah
Kevin is Opus Dei. Big Catholic white guy (I mean that in the worst way possible).
His wife homeschooled the 4 kids that his wife created in her body, I assume.
It's almost like the wife and children are his appendages. Un-unnamed children. Un-named wife in most of the stuff I've read.
Moving "his" family all over the country so that he can pursue his dreams. Does he ever think about his wife and kids or are they tools used to promote himself to a higher spot in the patriarchy?
Why doesn't Mr. Kevin exploit his wife and kids for $. Like that tradwife on Ballerina Ranch does.
Michelle could start an Instagram account, show how she cooks, cleans, does other household chores, and provide homeschool tips and tricks. Monetize the wife and kids, Kevin.
(2,959 posts)..since he wants his beliefs about family to be applied to the rest of us.
I figured he would talk about his wife and kids more. Model how he runs his family.
Barely a peep.
(1,494 posts)Have they ever been to a pool or beach? Watched TV?
Good Godz, it appears that large swaths of America have mysteriously crossed into an alternate universe. Well, more like multiverses.
Some appear to be back in the 1950's or 1850's but some appear to be entirely alien.
Boys upset at bras my ass.
(2,959 posts)
(162,406 posts)forget birth control, pop those kids out regardless of how you feel about it. It's your DESTINY!
(55,334 posts)They shift norms, incentives, and choices, often invisibly and involuntarily.
Families not having kids and taking their dogs to the park are the result of the choices that drive market demand. He wants the government to directly choose the incentives that people respond to.
That ain't free market conservatism. That's high church patriarchal anti-republicanism conservatism.