Opinion - Republicans are exploiting the diploma divide they helped to create
(The Hill) Since November, there has been a lot of discussion about the so-called “diploma divide” seen in the election results, where the majority of voters without a four-year college degree voted for Donald Trump and a majority with a four-year college degree voted for Kamala Harris.
In response to the diploma divide, some have argued that the Democrats have become the party of the elites who have forgotten about working-class Americans. While there is much to criticize about the Democratic Party’s failure to fight for the needs of working-class Americans, including supporting disastrous trade policies for American workers, the notion that Republicans have become champions of the working class is laughable.
Republicans have supported those same trade policies, undermined unions and consistently opposed increasing federal and state minimum wages.

(57,596 posts)and remember when Obama had a program to encourage education and/or career retraining for soon-to-be out-of-work coal miners and hardly any of them took advantage of it? Then Donnie got in office and sent them all right back into the coal mines as they all cheered? Fun times...
(57,596 posts)Do any of the elected Trumpers NOT have college educations? Isn't one of them a fucking Rhodes Scholar? You know, the nutbar who now code switches with his outrageously cartoonish Foghorn Leghorn accent? Aren't Donnie and JD both Yalies? Isn't DeSantis also Ivy League? So why is it a sin for Dems to be educated but not for the Trumpers? Or is the key to getting working class white people votes just pretending to be dumb?
(162,433 posts)two ridiculously wealthy assholes WHO DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THEM
no, you didn't miss anything
think of it this way: conservatives are treated like white men, while Dems are treated like women and POC - so educated repukes are considered INTELLIGENT while educated Dems are considered to be ELITE, UPPITY, ARROGANT