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How old were you when you realized that Santa was not real?

(8,608 posts)Lonestarblue
(12,385 posts)I have always been troubled by the pretense to young children of a Santa or a tooth fairy. It seems to me that parents are lying to their children when they pretend that something that does not exist is real. Doesnt this somewhat erode trust in the truth of what parents say?
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)Ive never heard of a kid being traumatized. They just gradually learn the truth. Its all in fun and makes for a magical childhood.
(7,934 posts)My older sister told me.
Santa's not real!?

(19,802 posts)On Christmas Eve my Dad would take us out to a restaurant for hot chocolate. While we were gone Santa stopped by with a bunch of presents. Good thing mom was home to let him in. Eventually we figured out that it was all mom, no Santa. I guess they stopped seeing each other.
(10,545 posts)I was a block from home when a slightly older kid I had never seen before, walking in the opposite direction, CROSSED THE STREET, walked up to me and said, Im not supposed to say anything, but I have to tell someone: Theres no Santa Claus.
I never saw him again. If I could find that guy Id punch his lights out. Its been nearly 65 years, and Im still pissed about the gratuitous cruelty. It reminds me of Trump telling a 7 year old, Youre too old to believe in Santa, arent ya?
(162,403 posts)nope
(6,383 posts)admitted I was right but told me I had to play along for my brother and cousins.
10 Turtle Day
(655 posts)My older siblings told me and showed me where the presents were hidden- in a camping trailer we had parked outside in the driveway.
(24,806 posts)I was snooping around my parents bedroom when I discovered a bunch of toys in their closet. I was totally dumbfounded. I seriously would probably have believed in him for at least another year or two.
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)I believed until I was 9, although I begun to suspect it when I was 8 and saw that my toys were made in Taiwan lol.
(48,730 posts)Wasnt too long after that when I started questioning fables about another guy who sees you when youre sleeping and knows when youre awake and knows if youve been bad or good.
(1,020 posts)I'm not sure I really buy this but it's working. Why mess up a good thing? Make a list for Santa? Ya, I'll give you a list. No problem.
(10,972 posts)My father said we should also put out something for the reindeer, like carrots and turnips. One year I realized that my father was the only person I knew who liked to snack on raw turnips. Hmmmm.....
I knew something was off because Santa always left a bag by the back door instead of coming down the chimney, which was fine, because the chimney led right into the furnace.
(36,510 posts)Nana and I would set out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer by the fireplace. When I was 7 or 8, I woke up late at night and came downstairs to catch Nana eating the cookies and drinking the milk. I always suspected something was up, but the cat was really out of the bag. I got a sharp, startled, "Get to bed!" My suspicions were confirmed.
(65,590 posts)At first I found the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny too improbable to exist. Then by a process of elimination I did the same with Santa.