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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsHaving an MRI tomorrow and I'm feeling extremely anxious today. I'm very claustrophobic.
They say they will sedate me but I'm afraid it will not be enough and I'll freak out when they put me in the tube. Has anyone here had an MRI and how did you cope? Mine is supposed to take about 40 minutes. Ugh.

(19,737 posts)You will be A-OK. Really, no worries. The sedation will make it a piece of cake.
Best of luck.
(4,211 posts)LuckyCharms
(19,737 posts)You won't even remember being in there.
Best wishes for a good outcome.
(25,190 posts)I am a little claustrophobic, but not severely so. My main concern was lying perfectly still for 30 to 45 minutes on my back. I have chronic chest congestion from multiple allergies and a hiatal hernia which creates upward pressure from my abdomen to my chest. So I was concerned about having a coughing spell from chest fluids being pushed upward into my throat.
How did I cope? I asked the attendants to elevate my shoulders and head with cushioning. Then I closed my eyes as the conveyor belt moved me into the MRI machine and kept them closed the entire time so I would not have to see how confined I was. I kept up slow, deep calming breaths the whole time. I kept a few favorite songs running in my mind.
I survived. Three times, a few years apart. I don't like the process at all. But I have developed a coping method.
It should be easier with a sedative. Relax and just tell yourself that it's only temporary. When it ends, you will be free of the machine and able to move around again.
Silent Type
(8,648 posts)I get it tough. Good luck.
(4,211 posts)OAITW r.2.0
(29,568 posts)to deaden the sound?
(322 posts)WE are 10 minutes in... Only 5 minutes to go etc. It helped knowing that it was halfway done or nearly finished
(9,443 posts)As others have stated, you should definitely receive anti-anxiety medication of some kind.
.......Good vibes your way.......
(4,474 posts)The sedation early to feel effects to calm you. The tech talks to you and gives you a small call light if you need to stop for few mins
Hope all goes easy for you. I have had several MRI.
(24,930 posts)surfered
(5,427 posts)and listen to the music thru the headphones they provide. Good luck and hope your results are “unremarkable .”
Bread and Circuses
(601 posts)Hi, your doctor could have prescribed a sedative. I thought I would be panicking, but I was fine. Just keep your mind busy with songs. Good Luck!
(1,427 posts)To choose music I like that they'll pipe through headphones, and Believe it or not, I try to listen to the rhythms of the machine and meditate to the sounds it makes.
Eyes closed the entire time.
(4,211 posts)were very rhythmic and cool and those noises helped to calm me.
(39,225 posts)The music alone won't help. I'm not claustrophobic but I hate loud noise & MRIs are very noisy. They let me pick the music & I chose some meditation music.
Also, they put a helmet type thing over my head that had mirrors angled so I could see outside the tube.
Good luck.
(108,384 posts)the first type? If so, you may need the sedation if you are that claustrophobic. Good luck.
(71,865 posts)That was a must for my wife.
The tube version would have been way too much anxiety for her.
(20,257 posts)mitch96
(15,020 posts)If it's an ankle or knee that needs to be in the center of the magnet. Some places have glasses you wear that shows you the outside not the wall of the magnet. Music is a good distraction.
The problem with " open MRI " is the quality of the images are not as good as the tube.. If it's a extremity then they are ok but not a big body part like a belly or head. Zanax or Valium can be given and in extreme cases of "we must get this done" IV sedation is used. A doctor is usually present for the whole time if that is done..Monitored with blood pressure and oxygen saturation levels checked.
I'm a retired MRI/CT tech. Hopefully things have gotten quicker since I have retired
Good luck with the test..
Clouds Passing
(4,012 posts)Some mris have music.
(21,004 posts)If I did it…
Anyone can
You got this!
(531 posts)sedation started to fade they gave me a boost and I happily listened to the music for the rest of my time. Then they fed me to make sure I was okay. I wouldn't be afraid if it needed to be done again. I hope everything goes as good for you.
(4,211 posts)I need to show up an hour before the exam instead of 1/2 hour.
I do remember when I had Lasik surgery in 2004, they gave me a Valium or something to relax and that was a very good drug. I didn't even care when they cut open my corneas in advance of the laser surgery. Hopefully I'll get something similar or more powerful for this test. I keep telling myself, it's only 40 minutes and millions of people have successfully completed this test so you can do it!
The MRI is of my prostate.
(29,696 posts)The sedative ought to help.
(4,211 posts)I think they did about 14 scans in total with and without contrast. I liked that each scan made a different noise and the noises helped distract my thoughts. I also liked that before each scan the computer voice told me how long the scan would take. I meet with the urologist on Christmas Eve to go over the results. Fingers crossed.
(5,358 posts)Often times, the anticipation can be a lot worse than the actual event.
Sending positive vibes for good results.
(43,519 posts)had 28 sessions of beam radiation which is followed by 2 years of hormone therapy , Bless you beaglelover. If you have any questions mail me and I will put Rich on.
(8,931 posts)beaglelover
(4,211 posts)CentralMass
(16,052 posts)The worst one that I had was 45 minutes in duration in a tight one. It was difficult.
(15,896 posts)No only do they put you in the tube, they lock your head in a cage.
I started to panic, but just closed my eyes and took slow deep breaths.
(43,519 posts)being in a casket, The did give an ID, When the machine started I counted the bangs and fell asleep inside
(375 posts)And listen to the music
(42 posts)which involved what I can only describe as sophisticated torture. I'm just so grateful when they can do an MRI instead of one of those other tests or procedures. An MRI doesn't hurt, it's non-invasive, and doesn't threaten to cause as many problems as it seeks to solve. I try to remind myself of how amazing it is to have such technology. I won't tell you what I've been through lest it scare some of you off medicine even more.
(4,211 posts)The Wandering Harper
(915 posts)I had one a few years ago and it was heavenly,
the sounds it made were like delightful weird music to me.
I was sad when it was over.
I'm really fuckin' weird though so . . .
(7,934 posts)Sedation will absolutely work
My primary doctor is also claustrophobic so she makes sure I get a sedative.
Just don’t drive!
Good luck and sleep well!
(16,607 posts)because of the noise. I don't know if they allow you to use airpods or something now but the constant pounding made me a little crazy. And then I got the same feeling I get at the dentist. Is my mouth moving? Where is my tongue? Does my nose itch?
I have done a lot of meditation now so I'd probably use that if I had to get one today.
Good luck! Breathe!