The DU Lounge
Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsI'm going to ask a question that's a little controversial.
What do you think of "Munchkin" cat breeders? I think it's animal cruelty. Cats like to jump up on high counters and furniture. I think it's even worse if it's an outside cat. I recently saw a video of a fat Munchkin cat dragging its belly on the floor. I don't mean for this to be funny. It's horrible.

(43,444 posts)
(14,403 posts)Glorfindel
(10,074 posts)I had no idea such creatures existed.
(19,795 posts)But I know that a lot of breeding in dogs ends up causing health problems.
(36,505 posts)What's the point?
(936 posts)They are for people who want perpetual kittens.
I say, "No." To me, it is immoral to breed creatures that are likely to experience chronic pain.
From Google:
Do Munchkin cats have health issues?
The Munchkin cat is known to have problems including: Lordosis is a condition that causes the spine to dip down and put pressure on the heart, lungs, and trachea, and it can be fatal as the organs begin to grow. Munchkin cats are also susceptible to pectus excavatum, or a concave chest.
(36,505 posts)Sorry for the confusion.
Think. Again.
(21,579 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,415 posts)Dachshunds, bull dogs, boxers, bull terriers, and many more.
(56,124 posts)selecting for dwarfism in horses and cattle is so fucking idiotic, but we have to have our cute little pets, right?