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I had to give little miss Bridget, my foster kitty, a lime-sulfur bath because of her (suspected) ringworm on one toe, which I don't think she has (the hair has already pretty much grown back where they scraped it to take a sample). I've held off several days because it was so cold, but finally did it, and washed all her bedding, disinfected everything, etc, as instructed. She was actually pretty good about it after her initial struggle to get out of the sink, and just kept looking at me with her big eyes like "WHY are you doing this to me?" She was already cleaning her paws while I was drying her, and as soon as I dried her to my satisfaction and sat her down, she began cleaning the rest of herself in front of the heater. Surprisingly, she didn't seem angry with me at all. I'm going to be sorry to give he back. She's been such a sweet baby. She waits for me at the top of the stairs every morning and if I don't pick her up right away, she pats my leg, asking to be picked up and carried downstairs. It's not that she can't walk down the stairs, she just wants the cuddles.

ms liberty
(10,022 posts)And who would blame you?
(1,316 posts)She sounds adorable and has bonded with you in away she can't offer anyone else.
(21,252 posts)I think you should keep little Bridget. Giving her a bath and she is mostly OK with it? That is a keeper.
Evolve Dammit
(20,263 posts)
KS Toronado
(20,959 posts)
(11,686 posts)I love her very much, as I've loved all my foster (in different ways). But my husband is extremely allergic to cats and has set down a firm "NO INSIDE CATS" law. I have to respect it, and that's why I have barn cats and keep fosters in my studio. I adore Bridget and I'm busy readying her for a new home.
Before Bridget, there was Sarai (who has since been adopted by two JMU girls) and before Sarai was Em (who went to a rescue). After Bridget, there will be others, either aged or infirm. Bridget came to me with an upper respiratory infection, and now has the (suspected) ringworm. The URI is done with, but I keep her until the ringworm is either cured or dismissed as not being there. Then she goes back, and a new one comes. It's like foster kids.