Tonight: Rock Against the TPP Free Concert in Seattle
Get your activism on! fight corporate power and listen to some great tunes!
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‘Rock Against the TPP’ is tonight in Seattle
Rock-TPPSEATTLE (Aug. 19, 2016) — Activists plan to use the power of music tonight to oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Digital activist group Fight For The Future has put together Rock Against the TPP, which is touring the country to raise awareness about the massive 12-nation trade deal.
It’s not too late to get your free ticket for tonight’s show at the Showbox SoDo, 1700 1st Ave. S. Teach-In and Training begins at 5 p.m. and doors open at 6 p.m. Click here to sign the petition against the TPP and get your free ticket.
Gillian Locascio, director of the Washington Fair Trade Coalition, a tour sponsor, said she believes the worst part of the deal gives corporations the ability to challenge the laws of nations that are part of the agreement.
“Probably the most alarming aspect of the Trans-Pacific Partnership is the inclusion of these corporate courts that really allow these foreign multinational companies to sue a country for laws that limit their future anticipated profits,” Locascio said.
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