Fighting Eviction, a Gardener Turns to Organic Industry Giants for Help.
'A community garden in Los Angeles that is threatened with eviction has gained the support of some high-profile leaders from the organic and natural food movements.
Gangsta Garden, founded by Ron Finley, became a cause célèbre after he repurposed a barren strip of public property in front of his house in the South Los Angeles neighborhood as a garden and then fought the city when it tried to fine him for violating a law requiring sidewalks and curbs be free of obstruction. The City Council eventually voted to waive the law in the case of community gardens, and Mr. Finley went on to host workshops and other events to help communities develop their own gardens in vacant lots, empty spaces and even shopping carts.
Now, the heads of Annie’s Homegrown, a division of General Mills, and other food companies have taken to social media to help raise the $500,000 needed to buy the property that Mr. Finley rents and uses to grow a variety of fruits, vegetables and flowers for his neighborhood.
Last week, John Foraker, a founder of Annie’s, took to Twitter for the cause.'>>>