Related: About this forumWebwire: FBI Attempts to Hold Sibel Edmonds’ Book Hostage
This story is starting to get some more press today. It sounds like Ms. Edmonds has been trying to follow procedure and have her book cleared for publication for around a year now instead of the usual 30 days, and once again has a coverup aimed at her. Now this time it appears to be the Obama administration trying to keep a lid on things, even though it was the Obama administration a few years ago who's justice department chose to stand aside and let her finally testify in that one civil case regarding Jeanne Schmidt without state secrets privilege crap thrown at her. Just what is she about to say that's so threatening?
Agency Used Contracts to Censor Whistleblowers
WEBWIRE – Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Washington, D.C. April 10, 2012 -- Today, the National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) revealed that the FBI required employees to sign employment contracts that are illegal under Federal law. The NWC launched the investigation in response to a nearly year long campaign by the FBI to prevent the publication of whistleblower Sibel Edmonds’ new book, Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story".
On April 26, 2011, Ms. Edmonds followed official procedure and submitted her manuscript to the FBI for pre-publication clearance. Under the terms of her employment agreement and controlling regulations, the FBI was required to review and approve the submission within thirty (30) days. Instead of complying with the law, the FBI intentionally stalled the approval process for over 341 days and has still refused to "clear" the book for publication.
Ms. Edmonds will speak today for the first time about the FBI’s attempts to suppress her book. The interview will be aired live at 1:30pm ET on Honesty Without Fear, and the podcast will also be available for download.
The NWC is also releasing documentation confirming that the FBI required employees, including Ms. Edmonds, to sign the illegal contracts that allowed the FBI to censor issues of "public policy" it found embarrassing. According to Ms. Edmonds attorney, Stephen M. Kohn, "the controlling law strictly limits government’s ability to censor its employees. Agencies like the FBI may require pre-publication review of its employees’ writings, but may only censor classified or secret information. The government may not censor books or other writings on ’policy’ grounds. The FBI’s employment contract with Ms. Edmonds is overreaching and illegal"

(716 posts)I think it shows the depth and breadth of how cronies shielding each other from embarrassment works to shield small crooks from prosecution, and THAT shields big crooks from both.
(159 posts)...particular I'm curious as to whether Denny Hastert was involved in wire transfers in and around Chicago?....thanks in advance....