Related: About this forumHold on... Thinking that Amber Heard is guilty makes you a misogynist?
Over the span of this trial, the same combination of influence and celebrity appeal that once fueled the onset of the #MeToo movement has flipped its allegiances to now actively counter the provision of safe spaces for survivor testimony. Heard's op-ed was once a part of the #MeToo movement, whereas now it is figured as central to the movement's demolition.
As high-profile as the "Aquaman" star was before the trial opened, Heard is currently known by way of the mocking memes and clickbait takes that now flood every corner of the internet. They pick apart her overreactions, her underreactions and her choices of words. Outlets such as The Daily Wire have used her anguished face as a platform for ads discrediting her words and even makeup companies have tossed their opinions into the ring via TikTok smear videos.
Safe spaces for survivor testimony?
Amber Heard took a shit on Johnny Depp's bed.
Amber Heard threw a bottle at Johnny Depp so hard, it cut off the tip of his finger.
Amber Heard admitted on tape to punching Johnny Depp and mocked him on tape how nobody would believe him that he was absued.
Amber Heard took photos of Johnny Depp while he was napping/passed out in a chair and shared them with her friends.
Amber Heard notified TMZ about her filing for divorce before she informed Johnny Depp.
Amber Heard passed an edited video to TMZ, showing Johnny Depp punching kitchen cabinets in anger/frustration, but she cut out the part where she was looking in the camera in the end and was snickering.
During all of her testimony, Amber Heard displayed an abrasive and confrontational personality, unable to answer simple Yes-or-No-questions without picking a fight with the opposing attorney.
And most importantly: The trial is not about whether or not Amber Heard is a domestic violence survivor. The trial is about whether or not she is a domestic violence ABUSER.

(19,344 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)I dont get the interest in two super rich people. We put them on pedestals undeserved.
(12,661 posts)Last edited Sat May 28, 2022, 09:14 AM - Edit history (1)
of them! Media gave Buffalo shooting 3 days!
I could care less about how he penetrated his
girlfriend. What a waste of air time!
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)

(8,089 posts)hlthe2b
(108,318 posts)body language impressions that while unfavorable to both, just do not convey sincerity or honesty when Ms. Heard was speaking. They are both actors. Perhaps Depp is just a better one, but he just strikes me as fed up and unwilling to care at this point. Maybe that makes him an a'hole, but it doesn't necessarily make his account less believable.
If Heard's account is largely untrue or severely aggrandized/exaggerated, she's done intense damage to victims of DV and those abused. I suppose I will never know for sure, but if that is the case, she can never reep what she's already sown. And THAT is the only reason I can find to care about this awful spectacle. If the scales lean more toward Depp being the less truthful of the two, well he's already taken a hit career-wise and I doubt this is likely to change soon. A failed relationship but an even bigger travesty, and not only for these two.
(74,460 posts)Princess Turandot
(4,836 posts)Depp is suing Heard.
From the related Wikipedia article:
Depp blamed Heard's op-ed for extensive financial losses to his career and claimed it damaged his ability to profit from his vocation. In the op-ed, Heard had described becoming "a public figure representing domestic abuse" and "seeing, in real time, how institutions protect men accused of abuse."[7][8]
(74,460 posts)multigraincracker
(35,071 posts)His, hers and then the truth.
Might have been Ann Landers that said that.
(5,382 posts)No. This is a civil case. What's more, it's one where each party is a defendant.
(15,751 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)I have watched some of the coverage.
For those who claim not watching yet have all types of judgement on both.
Lettuce Be
(2,341 posts)I think she's possibly a better actor than he is, but she was overacting quite a bit. I did not watch any of the trial, just saw video clips now and then. It appears they are both abusive and have managed to cancel each other out.