To those who think socialized medicine is expensive--Go fuck yourselves!
Needed to get my prescription for omeprazole (generic Prilosec) refilled. Insurance now won't pay for it because omeprazole OTC is available without a prescription.
Omeprazole - $30 for 30 pills cash price
Omeprazole OTC - it varies of course, but it was $14 for 28 pills there in the store
State of Washington to the rescue! I remembered the WPDP card in my wallet, and I asked. $9 for 30 pills!
If you live in the State of Washington, get yourself a WPDP card. It's free! Only downside is that everyone has to have their own card, so me, the wife, and each of the kids needs their own card. Did I mention that it's free?
When I go see my GI doc in a week to get a year prescription, I'm having him send it to the mail order pharmacy for WPDP. The price is $20.56 for 90 pills!
It's not a panacea as there are a number of drugs for which they can't get one a better price than say Canada. That's where I get my Asacol.
Gee, that's damned state government negotiating bulk prices is costing us money--only the "us" is Big Pharma!