Related: About this forumCanada at War: From Normandy to VE Day with the 4th Canadian Armoured Divsion (in-action photos)
For the WW2 history buffs:
( Not my photos -
These are from Library & Archives Canada's extensive collection documenting Canada's contribution to victory in Europe during WW2 )
The 4th Canadian Armoured Division fought throughout the entire campaign in Northwest Europe including:
-the Normandy battles in the summer of 1944
-the battle of the Falaise pocket
-the advance from Normandy
-the Breskens pocket, Liberation of Holland and clearing of the Scheldt estuary to open the port of Antwerp
-The division then fought its final battles during the drive into Germany including the battle of Oldenburg near Bremen
Tanks of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division - Canadian Grenadier Guards Regiment - move into position for the attack toward Falaise during Operation "Totalize" 8 August 1944:
Library and Archives Canada photo PA-132904
Sherman Vc of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division - Canadian Grenadier Guards - with a captured German HQ sign, Almelo, Netherlands, 5 April 1945:
Library and Archives Canada photo PA-130911
Sherman 1c of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division - Governor General's Foot Guards - attacking through a roadblock, supporting infantry wait with bayonets at the ready, Wertle, Germany, 11 April 1945:
Library and Archives Canada photo PA-159062
4th Canadian Armoured Division's drive towards Oldenburg under counter-attack by German Paratrooper Regiment. Street scene showing Canadian troops and tanks, and smoke from burning buildings. 10 April 1945:
Library and Archives Canada photo PA-159244
Sherman 1c of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division - British Columbia Regiment - firing on German positions (note discarded shell casing mid-air) north of Meppen, Germany, 8 April 1945:
Library and Archives Canada photo PA-159172
Sherman 1c of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division - South Alberta Regiment - during Operation "Blockbuster", the assault on Calcar Ridge, Rhineland Battles, Germany, Feb 1945:
Library and Archives Canada Photo PA113675
Sherman 1c of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division firing on German positions near Bad Zwischenahn, Germany, 29 Apr 1945:
Library and Archives Canada Photo PA113715
PS- Incidentally, I recently built a radio control model of a 4th Canadian Armoured Divsion Sherman and posted the build video on my Youtube channel:

(153,130 posts)They really bring the war home.
Hiawatha Pete
(2,023 posts)Best Regards, Pete