May be slight OT as this isn't political, but if you're in Central AR and need a place....
... a very dear friend of mine is trying to rent a room out for $350 a month, is fine with another SSI recipient as long as they are not also a felon.
She'd prefer a female but the other person renting a room is male, and a quiet college student who eats his own food and does not use the kitchen. If you plan to participate in community meals, they expect you to help with purchasing the food, and also helping with either preparing it or cleaning up afterward. They are *very* clean people and live in a fairly decent neighborhood in North Little Rock, but lower-middle-class. There's a Sheriff who lives on that street, and a police substation very close by. $200 deposit that is non-refundable to hold the room.
Only drawback is that it's near railroad tracks. They aren't as loud as they could be, but loud enough to make work-from-home call center work impossible.
I can vouch that she's a very sweet woman, and her boyfriend is very protective of her though isn't living in the home anymore. When he was, it was like having a linebacker/security guard in the house at all times, as he's *tall*. Very.
But he's a sweet guy too, the gentle giant unless you hurt someone he cares about.
Message me if you're interested and I'll give you their cell number.