San Francisco Proposition I
Retirement Benefits for Nurses and 911 Operators
This measure would allow registered nurses employed by San Francisco and enrolled in its retirement system to purchase up to three years’ worth of service credits toward their retirements for their previous occasional or part-time work as nurses for The City. The measure would also shift 911 dispatchers, along with their supervisors and coordinators, into a city retirement plan that offers more generous benefits at the expense of increased contributions.
Argument for: The measure would help The City attract and retain nurses and dispatchers. San Francisco is facing staffing shortages for 911 dispatchers and registered nurses. As a result, a growing number of emergency calls aren’t being answered on a timely basis and the quality of care at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital is decreasing.
Argument against: With San Francisco facing forthcoming budget shortfalls, The City should be cutting spending and headcount, not increasing them. Continuously hiring more workers and paying them more results in an ever-more-unsustainable burden on taxpayers. The City’s government is already bloated, and could likely find more nurses if it wasn’t already employing so many people doing less critical jobs.