San Francisco Proposition N
First Responder Student Loan and Training Reimbursement Fund
If adopted, the proposition would establish a first-responder student-loan forgiveness fund to pay outstanding student-loan debt and job-related expenses for The City’s police department and fire department employees, as well as paramedics, registered nurses, and 911 dispatchers employed by The City and County of San Francisco. The measure requires 51% affirmative votes to pass.
Argument for: Prop. N would cancel student debt incurred by The City’s first responders, which includes police, firefighters, deputy sheriffs, paramedics, nurses and 911 dispatchers, maxing out at $25,000 per employee.
Argument against: Opponents say that the proposition sets a precedent of using taxpayer money to pay off personal debts — opening the door to demands across other City departments — and that the debt-relief program could also encourage early retirements, further straining staff.