Over 1.8 million vote-by-mail ballots ship out across Orange County Monday
Almost two million mail-in ballots loaded onto U.S. Postal Service trucks this weekend will reach local voters on Monday, and the Orange County Registrar of Voters, Bob Page, is confident he and 1,900 election season workers are ready to conduct an accurate and fair count.
According to data from the Registrar’s office, more than 1.8 million registered voters in Orange County are being asked to decide the race for the offices of president and vice-president as well as 170 other contests. Ten statewide initiatives and 30 local initiatives are also on this year’s ballot.
The county will open 123 ballot boxes across the region Monday where voters can drop off their ballots through Nov. 5. Their specific locations can be found on the Registrar’s website, ocvote.gov. Select locations will open for in-person voting beginning Oct. 26, and the remainder are expected to go live by Nov. 2. They’ll stay open until 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Election staff are constantly checking their rosters against data from the Postal Service, Secretary of State, Department of Corrections, the Orange County Health Care Agency and other government sources, Page said during an online seminar Wednesday. His staff also use information from credit agencies and other third-party sources to help verify the identities and residences of voters.