How a California pot company went from $575 million in cash to a 'debt death spiral'
How a California pot company went from $575 million in cash to a 'debt death spiral'
After flashy launch, Jay Z's pot brand can't be found on California shelves

Jay-Z launched his new cannabis brand in California by joining a buzzy pot startup, but he's since left that company and his products can't be found in the state.
Images via Getty/Illustration by SFGATE
By Lester Black,
Cannabis editor
Dec 2, 2024
Jay-Zs cannabis brand looked timeless as soon as it launched in 2020. The billionaire rapper, legal name Shawn Carter, rolled out his Monogram line of luxury joints and cannabis flower with a photo shoot at the famous Frank Sinatra house in Palm Springs. Models elegantly smoked joints in front of mid-century pool furniture, as if the brand had been around for decades. Glowing profiles in GQ, Vogue and Vanity Fair soon followed.
Four years later, it looks like this splashy celebrity cannabis brand has already disappeared.
Monograms website lists nine retailers where it says its products are for sale eight in California and one in Arizona but none include the brands products on their online menus. The parent company behind Monogram, confusingly called The Parent Company, hasnt fared any better. The conglomerate originally hit Californias market with $575 million in cash and plans to take over the entire industry, but after burning through half a billion dollars, it has merged into another company, which itself appears to be in financial trouble.