My state Rep is fighting to stop the war on christianity.
Kevin Priola (R) introduced a bill that regulates religious clubs on Colorado's college campuses. This bill allows religious clubs to set rules on the faith of its leaders. Luckily the bill died in committee.
Evidently, college students were joining these religious clubs (en mass) and electing non-religious people to lead the clubs. Well, the grand poobahs that run religion would have none of that. So they got this useful idiot to introduce legislation.
It's not as if Adams County doesn't have a mountain of needs; however, this guy decides to ride the religious ideology wagon to rescue the religious goons preying on our children in college. Part of the learning process in college is to deal with people who disagree with you. Where is false religion's sense of adventure?
In Adams County we need Priola to work on stopping the illegal storm-drainage tax that the county commissioners imposed on us. We also need him to deal with the massive number of trucks on the roads near new housing developments. Although the truckers seem to be driving with care, hundreds of truck on these tiny roads is getting ridiculous and dangerous! Hey, you idiot politician, get off your tail and do something for Adams county! York Street at 160th is calling. Do your job or resign. The legislative session in Colorado is short and we don't have time for ideological BS!