Aug 31, 2012: bad haze today from fires in Nebraska.
"Light to locally Heavy smoke from fires in Nebraska is expected in the Northern Front Range region....
"Ozone concentrations are expected to be in the Moderate to Unhealthy-for-Sensitive-Groups range Friday afternoon and evening. Active children and adults, the elderly, and those with respiratory illnesses such as asthma should
reduce prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion between 1 PM and midnight on on Friday."
Note: late last night, the smoke smelled just terrible in Thornton. Luckily, it wasn't as bad this morning, but it was still quite visible. Channel 9 says that some Greeley residents are reporting heavy smoke due to the nearby roach fire.
Just think, last night Mitt made some comment about Obama just caring about the oceans but not about America. This global warming summer shows why we DO need to care about the planet because we can't even go outdoors anymore. Thank-you big oil, the owners of the GOP.