Pitkin County Commissioners select language for November airport ballot question
During a special meeting on Tuesday, the Pitkin County Board of Commissioners voted 4-1 to put an airport-related question on the November ballot.
Commissioner Kelly McNicholas Kury voted no during the fourth hearing for the question.
The ballot question seeks to amend Article II of the county’s governing document, the Home Rule Charter, to reaffirm Pitkin County’s power to approve and carry out the layout plan for the Aspen/Pitkin County Airport, as well as the location and expansion of the airport’s runway.
“The BOCC ballot question gives the voters the opportunity to reaffirm their support of the BOCC and its efforts to deal with the complex realities of maintaining a local airport that, one, does not exist in the bubble, no matter how much we would like to believe otherwise,” said Barry Vaughan, an Airport Advisory Board member.