County approves 29 Road, TABOR refund ballot measures
MESA COUNTY, Colo. (KREX) — The Mesa County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the submission of two ballot measures for the upcoming election.
The first ballot measure, if approved, would allow the county to issue bonds for up to $80 million without raising taxes; instead, funding would come from the county’s existing sales tax revenues.
County officials say the 29 Road interchange is part of a plan to improve traffic flow and accessibility in the area and has been a priority for the county since the 1980s. The project will not only connect 29 Road to Interstate 70 but also expand the road between Patterson and I-70 from two to four lanes and add new paths for pedestrians and bikers.
“If you look at the science and the data, it shows the interchange will reduce greenhouse gases. It’s going to increase miles traveled and reduce hours on the road. You get to go to more places and do more things with your family, and there will be less impact on the environment. That’s a win for everybody,” said Commissioner Cody Davis.