January 2022's Top Goal: Paid Family Leave
Senate Bill 1, the bill that will provide all Delawareans with paid family and medical leave, did not get released from committee or considered on the floor of the Senate prior to the close of the 2021 part of the General Assembly session. Which is not bad news, since it is a big bill that was just introduced in May.
And in fact, when the General Assembly passed the Bond Bill at the end of June, they including $10 million in funding for paid leave, an indication that the leadership expects that the bill will be considered and passed by the General Assembly when it reconvenes in January.
Senator Sarah McBride, the prime sponsor of the bill: “Moments ago, the state’s largest infrastructure and jobs bill in history was signed into law. I’m thrilled to say that $10 million was included in the legislation to help cover the start up infrastructure for a paid family and medical leave program should the General Assembly pass the Healthy Delaware Families Act next year.”
“I’m incredibly grateful for the unwavering support of the chairs of the Joint Capital Improvement Committee, Senator Nicole Poore and Rep. Debra Heffernan, and the Leadership in the majority caucuses in the General Assembly. Right now, President Biden is fighting to pass the American Families Plan, which includes a national paid leave proposal. In the coming weeks, we will learn the details of that bill and, in the coming months, we will learn its fate. This funding preserves and enhances our ability in Delaware to pass paid family and medical leave when we return to session next year should a federal program not pass Congress. Ultimately, whether Delawareans secure this lifesaving benefit through federal or state action, the only unacceptable outcome is that Delaware families go without paid leave.”
Read more: https://bluedelaware.com/2021/07/13/january-2022s-top-goal-paid-family-leave/