"You may have seen extremists ramping up their efforts to stop Yes on 4 and keep Florida's extreme abortion ban in place. From using a taxpayer-funded website as a political ad, to sending the police to voters' doors to ask them if they signed the abortion petition, to putting up a TV ad full of lies- they're pulling out every trick in the book because they're scared. They know Amendment 4 will win on the ballot this November, and they'll use dirty tricks to try to get their way and keep Florida's extreme abortion ban in place.
They're trying to shake us. But 84,000 patients a year are counting on us. We need to say focused on our purpose: ending Florida's extreme abortion ban, with no real exceptions for rape, incest, or the health of the woman. The only way to do this is to pass Amendment 4 on the ballot this November.
Here's what you can do:
Sign up to volunteer. They're trying to confuse and scare voters. Voters need to hear from validators like you so they know that a YES on 4 is the only option: https://www.mobilize.us/yes4florida/
Follow us on social media. We're on all major platforms as @yes4florida
If you experience any election interference or voter intimidation call the election protection hotline
English 866-OUR-VOTE866-687-8683
Spanish/English 888-VE-Y-VOTA888-839-8682
Asian Languages/English 888-API-VOTE888-274-8683
Arabic/English 844-YALLA-US844-925-5287
Tell others about the facts of this initiative - Yes on 4 is the ONLY way to end Florida's extreme abortion ban."