the nazipoohs give an inch!
THEY (whoever THEY are) have legalized Cannabis in Canada....and the celebrations are on going. Question: Why was Cannabis ever made criminal in first place? 10 of thousands of OUR BOYS were sickened and some DIED from motion sickness crossing the waters to go to the fascists' creepy wars, ie the European Civil War 1914 -1945) now the pigs say, we'll pull a tooth outta society's mouth, but the pain killer is, well maybe a big gulp of whisky (llike in the movies) will have to do! and fukk you! Meanwhile 'Trump Farted' and the USA still reeling from the foolishness of a moral pervert ruling the roost (though Dow Jones is admittedly through the roof again)
Question: when will the American people, with its 10 percent Afro American element who depended on cannabis as medication, be given the inch the Canadian folk were reluctantly given?
WHy does Trump's flatulence get him a gig like the WHouse? Does anyone here understand? (I failed kindergarten, so please 'suffer fools gladly' in this case)...
BTW the jokers knew Cannabis cure seasickness, like they KNEW that nicotine caused cancer, or that burning fossil fuels one day lead to enviro disaster