Related: About this forumI am not sure of your new voting requirements but let me tell you if you have to get
a copy of your birth certificate you are screwed in Georgia!
I am helping a friend who is trying to get her teeth fixed here in Florida and only has a photo copy of her license which is expired. They will not take that. So I got on the site today to order a copy of her birth certificate and after I am done, (putting in my credit card into and everything) I am sent to a page that tells me to print it and guess how much it costs?
U.S. Vital records or Vital certificates $52.87 PLUS
VCN Georgia Vital records $54.00 for UPS Delivery or $34.00 for Regular Mail, (after ID requirements are met)
So they charge you $34 just to send the copies through the mail??????
This total is $86.87 for a copy of a birth certificate. She does not have a credit card and I don't know if there was an option for a debit card.
This is just one big fat rip off and I bet it was set up in place to screw people from being able to vote.
I wanted to put this in Georgia in case anyone doesn't know how much they are charging for this.

(113,131 posts)jacking up the prices like this is an obvious return to the poll taxes that poor people can't afford to pay.
(12,625 posts)Our GOPers certainly want to make it difficult to vote for any group that might lean left.
(31,669 posts)would be cheaper, but looks like it wouldn't be much cheaper, still $50 something.
And that would STILL be a ripoff.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)might have been less expensive. I had to get a certified copy of mine here in Missouri to get my DL renewed and it was $15.00. Interestingly enough I had to present my DL as proof of who I was, in order to get the Birth Certificate in order to prove who I was in order to get my DL.
Nothing like circular logic.....
(30,947 posts)probably from the same company. I paid $34 for the certificate to be sent by regular mail, but it came via Fed Ex.
And yes, you can use a debit card just like a credit card. I did.
(16,599 posts)maybe 40 bucks or so.
$86 is crazy!