Related: About this forumJack Kingston toys with impeachment fire
By Jay Bookman
As our folks at Political Insider have noted, U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston recently opened the door to pursuing the impeachment of President Obama. In an interview with Aaron McCready, a metro Atlanta resident who hosts his own Internet-based talk show, it went down like this:
McCready: Well, if this lawsuit, and I said this in the first half of the show. I’m concerned about this lawsuit because, and first of all, I agree that the president needs to be held accountable. But with this lawsuit, by the time there’s any resolution in it, he’ll be out of office, so is this maybe the first step to issue articles of impeachment?
Kingston: You know, it could go in that direction if there was a big discussion. I mean, I think it’s possible. It just keeps getting worse and worse. It could go in that direction."
If you listen to the interview (available here: the section quoted above begins shortly after the 46-minute mark), you find that McCready did not steer the conversation toward the direction of impeachment. Kingston volunteers the remarks quoted above, without prodding. They were part of the message that he sought to communicate.
In those remarks, Kingston of course offers no serious legal grounds for pursuing impeachment. That's because in the conservative world, the fact that they hate Obama very very very very much somehow substitutes for the "treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors" required as an impeachment standard in Article Two, Section 4 of the Constitution.
Kingston was/is one of the worst Bushco defenders, there was nothing Bush could do that he didn't want to cheer on.

(31,849 posts)that's one way it could work out. But, the more likely result of the "big discussion" (the bigger, the better from my view) will be one big campaign ad for Democratic candidates.
Have at it folks!
(2,755 posts)and I was trying to decide who to vote for, him or Purdue. The big issue, of course, is which Nunn would have a better chance against. The polls are pointing toward Kingston as having a harder time against Nunn. But I'm scared to let this whack-job have a shot at being a senator for 6 years, especially after this comment and Bachman's recent endorsement.
Would love to hear anyone's input on this.
The Traveler
(5,632 posts)I think Perdue is slicker than Kingston. I think Kingston can be more easily prodded into over reach and gaffes. Perdue has greater name recognition in the state. So I think Ms Nunn is in a slightly better posture against Mr. Kingston. That's my thinking about it anyway ... what do you think?
(47,953 posts)Perdue is less nuts than Kingston, and he seems pissed off at the chamber of commerce and other RW groups for not supporting him. But Kingston might be a worse candidate in the general. On the other hand, If Perdue wins the primary maybe some of the TP'ers stay home in november.
Hopefully Nunn wins against either.
(12,625 posts)It was the consensus that Deal would be the weakest general election candidate because of how he slithered out of Congress to avoid an ethics investigation. How well did that work out?
I too am debating whether or not to vote in the runoff. I'm somewhat thinking of voting for Perdue just because he'd likely do less harm than Kingston, but I'm not sure about that.
In any case, the best thing we can do is support Carter and Nunn with our donations.
(2,755 posts)I don't think Kingston is a true teabagger, but he is pandering to them. And anyone that is backed by Michelle freakin Bachman is suspect.
Plus, the teabaggers really don't like purdue, and the GA Republican machine are not too comfortable with him because it is harder for him to be bought off.
So, logic goes this way:
1. Possibly less of a threat to democracy if he wins the general
2. Traditional conservatives and teabaggers not jazzed about him and may stay home or vote liberterian as a protest.
3. Rich white dude vs. Michelle Nunn in the General
It's still a close call.
(12,625 posts)It seems that Gov. (Let's Make A) Deal is finally getting the attention he deserves for his ethics "lapses", last poll I saw had Carter up by about 8 points against Deal. So maybe, between the teabaggers not being excited about Perdue and negative publicity for Deal a lot of GOPers will sit out the general election.