Kaiser pharmacists, therapists in Hawaii vote in favor of strike
Kaiser pharmacists and therapists on Maui and other islands voted this week to authorize a strike, citing concerns over wages in bargaining and working conditions made worse by the pandemic.
More than 1,500 pharmacists, physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists in Hawaii and California faced the question of whether to strike during voting that took place from Sunday through Thursday.
Results provided to The Maui News on Friday showed that Hawaii employees voted overwhelmingly for the strike — 94 percent in favor among the United Pharmacists of Hawaii (with 89 percent turnout) and 87 percent of physical and occupational therapists in favor (with 93 percent turnout).
Strike authorization doesn’t mean the strike will happen immediately, but rather gives the bargaining teams the option of calling a strike when they choose, and for a duration to be determined, according to the United Nurses Association of California/Union of Health Care Professionals representing the workers. Labor laws require unions in the health care industry to submit a 10-day notice to the employer before going out on strike.
Read more: https://www.mauinews.com/news/local-news/2021/10/kaiser-pharmacists-therapists-in-hawaii-vote-in-favor-of-strike/