Honolulu LGBTQ nightclub 'Scarlet' files federal discrimination suit against state, county
HONOLULU — The Honolulu Liquor Commission and the state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs are discriminating against a Honolulu LGBTQ nightclub and its community, according to a federal lawsuit.
The owners of nightclub Scarlet Honolulu said in the lawsuit filed Monday that investigators with the agencies have a history of harassment and discrimination against the business and employees.
The lawsuit named four specific investigators that have allegedly targeted the nightclub for unfounded inspections and violations.
“We believe that particular investigators within the Honolulu Liquor Commission and at least two investigators within RICO, which is an office within (the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs), have essentially created a target for the gay community,” said the nightclub's attorney James DiPasquale.
Read more: https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/local-news/2021-11-22/honolulu-lgbtq-nightclub-scarlet-files-federal-discrimination-suit-against-state-county