After Japan Arrest, Will Genshiro Kawamoto Lose Kahala Houses?
By Eileen Chao 03/05/2013
Genshiro Kawamoto has been called many things — eccentric, mysterious, a nuisance. You can add one more to the list: suspected criminal.
The Japanese billionaire, who owns at least 30 luxury properties on Oahu, mostly in Kahala, was arrested on Tuesday in Tokyo on suspicion of failing to pay more than 800 million yen, or $8.5 million, in corporate taxes, according to Japanese news reports.
Kawamoto, 81, will be held in a jail cell in Tokyo for the next 10 to 20 days while prosecutors review evidence, a spokesman for the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office in Japan told Civil Beat. Kawamoto will not be able to bail himself out before 10 days in accordance with Japanese law, the prosecutor's office said.
The arrest has some of his Hawaii neighbors wondering what will happen to his multi-million dollar mansions on Oahu, many of which have already been vandalized, trashed and overrun with rats.