BLM group criticizes memo from Pullman Police chief
The Palouse in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter, a group of local residents who organized Black Lives Matter marches in Pullman, alleges that a memo from Pullman Police Department Chief Gary Jenkins spread fear about a June 12 protest and weakened the organization’s credibility.
Hundreds of people attended the PSBLM event on June 12, during which protesters marched from Martin Stadium to the Pullman Police Department.
The organization received assistance from Pullman police officers, who blocked off part of Main Street to allow the marchers to cross. No counter-protesters arrived and there were no incidents with law enforcement.
However, the organization says in a letter sent Thursday to the Daily News and city officials, that a memo Jenkins wrote to city staff and local businesses the day before the march “created unfounded fear in the general public, discouraged many peaceful protesters from attending the event, and weakened our credibility.”
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(Moscow-Pullman Daily News)