Idaho Governor Brad Little announces specical legislative session.
Idaho Gov. Brad Little announced Wednesday that he will call lawmakers into a special legislative session the week of Aug. 24.
Little, legislative leadership, and members of the House and Senate will continue discussions about the specific topics that will be addressed during the session, which likely will include the November general election and liability reform during emergencies.
The announcement was made while the State Affairs Working Group was discussing options on how to handle the November election. The working group approved two drafts of legislation making accommodations for county clerks. The drafts still need to be voted on by the full legislative body.
Little will issue a proclamation the week of Aug. 17 detailing the exact issues to be considered during the session. The governor’s office will announce the release of the proclamation when it is available.
It's interesting that other than those four highlighted words, the entire article is devoted to the general election aspect of the special session. The details aren't public yet but I'm guessing what the liability reform is going to be about: Good for business, not so good for the average Joe and worse yet, when Joe is forced to work in a dangerous situation, Covid or not, Joe will have less recourse for protection if he gets sick or injured. Perhaps I'm jumping to conclusions but it sounds like they might try to pull a Mitch McConnell, after all it's the red state way.