Proposal to make Kootenai County a 'Second Amendment Sanctuary' falls flat
A proposed law to make Kootenai County a “Second Amendment Sanctuary” gained no traction among county lawmakers earlier this week, with one commissioner dismissing the effort as a right-wing political stunt.
Commissioner Leslie Duncan sponsored the legislation, which called for a County Code amendment to recognize any federal or state law or regulation that “clearly infringes upon an individual’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms” as invalid in Kootenai County. Listed examples included confiscation and the registration of firearms, firearm accessories and ammunition.
The proposal came just days after the U.S. House of Representatives passed two bills last week to require background checks on all firearms sales and transfers, and to allow an expanded 10-day review for gun purchases.
Duncan pushed the proposal during Monday’s meeting of the three-member Board of County Commissioners, saying she drew it up after receiving constituent emails heralding similar efforts nationwide, including several other cities in Idaho.
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