Rep. Priscilla Giddings to face ethics committee in August for two complaints
According to the Idaho Legislature’s House Journal, the House Ethics Committee has received two complaints against Rep. Priscilla Giddings, R-White Bird, alleging conduct unbecoming of a representative which is detrimental to the integrity of the House as a legislative body.
The journal states the committee conducted a preliminary investigation and found probable cause exists that misconduct may have occurred regarding a portion of each complaint.
The complaints, which were obtained by the Idaho Capital Sun through a public records request, were filed in April and May. The first complaint was filed by Rep. Greg Chaney, R-Caldwell, on April 19 stating Giddings revealed the name and photo of the 19-year-old legislative staffer who accused former Rep. Aaron von Ehlinger, R-Lewiston, of rape. Giddings posted a link to her Facebook page with the woman’s information.
Chaney also wrote that Giddings misled the public by writing “Follow the money!” on her Facebook post and implying misconduct on the part of the ethics committee representatives and House leadership.
The second complaint, which was filed on May 3, lists two reasons for conduct unbecoming — the first was Giddings’ actions in revealing the legislative intern’s information, and the second was misrepresenting her actions when she appeared before the ethics committee during von Ehlinger’s hearing. Giddings denied posting the information on Facebook and would not answer when asked if she was the administrator of the page, and the complaint says she can be held in contempt of the committee.
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This should be interesting since Giddings has announced that she is running for lieutenant governor and she is facing the Republican Speaker of the House, Scott Bedke, in the primary.