A massive Facebook privacy settlement just got bigger. Illinois users could split $650 million.
A $550 million settlement was not enough for Illinois Facebook users who allegedly had their privacy rights violated. Instead, the social media giant has agreed to pay $650 million.
Illinois Facebook users could be eligible for up to $400 each as part of a revised settlement in the class action suit, depending on how many people file claims, according to court documents filed Wednesday in a California federal court.
The settlement seeks to resolve a federal lawsuit filed in Illinois five years ago and later moved to California that alleges the social media giant violated a state law protecting residents’ biometric information. Biometric information can include data from facial, fingerprint and iris scans.
Illinois has one of the strictest biometric privacy laws in the country, mandating that companies collecting such information obtain prior consent from consumers, detail how they’ll use the information and specify how long it will be kept. The law also allows private citizens to file lawsuits over the issue.
Read more: https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-facebook-privacy-settlement-increased-20200724-n5gjh6aq2bdfvdk2x76hrplpzm-story.html