Indiana voter purge. Check your status here.
Indiana Caught Illegally Purging 20,000 voters – are you one?
Check the Purge List and Re-Register – Today is the Last Day
OCTOBER 9, 2018
Greg Palast
Indiana has purged no less than 20,000 voters in violation of a federal court order. Are you one?
A team of database experts, statisticians, lawyers and investigators working with the Palast Investigative Fund discovered — and Indiana now admits — that these thousands of voters were cancelled in violation of a June 2018 federal court order that barred the state from using the notorious Interstate Crosscheck purge list sent to state officials by Kris Kobach, Secretary of State of Kansas.
The court order stemmed from a suit by the NAACP and League of Woman Voters against a 2017 Indiana law ordering counties to remove voters if they appear on Kobach’s list which purports to identify voters who have left the state. The NAACP and League cited the Palast team’s evidence in our 2016 Rolling Stone article showing that Crosscheck is overwhelmingly wrong in identifying voters who have moved — and extremely racist in operation.
Altogether, Indiana cancelled the registrations of a mind-boggling 469,000 voters, the majority using suspect methods.