Monroe County poll workers' paychecks missing information
The most recent paychecks for early voting poll workers were missing some critical information.
Carolyn VandeWiele, Democratic member on the Monroe County Election Board, said while poll workers were paid in a timely fashion, they are not sure if they were paid correctly. The checks were sent out without pay detail information, such as how many hours they were being paid for or what, if anything, was being withheld from their paycheck for those who exceed a certain threshold amount.
County Attorney Margie Rice said the checks election workers received have the accurate amounts. As for the missing detail, Rice said the checks for the last period were processed through accounts payable like a vendor check, as opposed to payroll. She said this was at the recommendation of the new software vendor for the auditor’s financial data, Low Associates Inc.
Rice said that going forward, the county will return to paying early voting poll workers through payroll. She said those who want to know this pay period’s details can contact the county auditor’s office.
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