Iowa impaired waters list grows in 2022
State required to inventory water bodies that don’t meet pollution standards for the water’s intended use, including drinking water or recreation
Iowa has more impaired waters now than two years ago, with bacteria and fish kills being the top reasons for listing, according to the state’s 2022 draft inventory.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources on
Friday reported the state has 594 water bodies with a total 783 impairments — up slightly from 585 water bodies with 778 impairments listed on the state’s 2020 list of Category 5 impairment approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Another 157 water bodies have impairments, but the federal government has not required the state to set a pollution limit for those waterways.
About 56 percent of Iowa’s assessed rivers and streams and 67 percent of assessed lakes and reservoirs have impairments, meaning they don’t meet at least one standard for their intended use such as drinking, recreation or supporting aquatic life.