Gov. Brain Fart and his unconstitutional courthouse bible reading
Gov. Brain Fart in action again.
Gov. Terry Branstads proclamation that encourages Iowans to take part in a statewide county courthouse Bible-reading marathon violates the U.S. Constitution by promoting Christianity, three groups allege.
Two of those groups the American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa and the Freedom From Religion Foundation said they were reviewing the matter with an eye toward litigation against the state.
The government is supposed to be neutral toward religion, said Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based group.
She continued: Can you imagine the uproar if the governor used state resources to encourage people to go to a God is Dead rally or a vigil to review how divisive religion is? Everyone can see how inappropriate that would be. This is exactly the same type of violation.
Why do I get the feeling this is another Brain Fart fluster cuck we'll be paying for?