Related: About this forumLoretta Sieman on the public option and why she's in that ad
I'm not in the DM area but have seen this (along with a lot of other RW ads saying the same thing) pop up on youtube.
Some ads primarily focus on single-payer plans (often known as Medicare for All), which more than half a dozen presidential candidates are supporting. But Partnership for Americas Health Care Future has used its hundreds of thousands of dollars in the Des Moines market targeting more modest proposals to offer a public option on exchanges selling private health insurance policies.
Many central Iowa Democratic activists were surprised and upset to see Loretta Sieman, a longtime West Des Moines city council member, in one of the partnerships commercials. Sieman spoke to Bleeding Heartland on September 11 about why she opposes the public option and why she agreed to appear in the ad, now in heavy rotation on YouTube as well as Des Moines broadcast and cable stations.
Sieman introduces herself in the commercial as a Democrat. I had the impression she was a Republican when she served on the West Des Moines city council. Is that accurate? I was born a Democrat.
She elaborated, When I was on the council, everybody was a Republican. Nobody ever asked me. Nobody ever said anything about it, because we dont run as political parties in local elections. Sieman recalled that some Republican friends who had raised money for her campaigns were surprised to learn years later she was a Democrat.
Siemans voter registration record indicates that she has participated in some Republican primaries, most recently in 2014 and 2016. She explained that she first voted in GOP primaries to help her close friend, former State Senator Mary Kramer. She has supported other Republicans she knew personally. Im a very independent voter.
Should the U.S. set a goal of everyone having health insurance?
I would love to. I would love to have the wand that would make sure everybody could get the health care they need. My question is, can we at this point in our country, can we do that realistically?
What a bullshit answer this is:
Some people find it odd that a person on Medicare would be in an ad criticizing government-run health care. How would Sieman respond?
Well I am using it right now, because I can afford it. And I can do it. What Im saying to you is, if we decide to do it for everyone, will we be able to actually do that, the way it needs to be done?
I myself have waited for care. Now Im trying to figure out, how do we give care? How many hours can you wait? If youre having a heart attack, how quickly can you get into a hospital that is full? Thats what Im concerned about.
Seriously - you hear this crap about other countries and it is all horseshit.