Kobach tears into Colyer at GOP debate, but Colyer resists urge to 'scream and shout'

Need an example of a kansaas political moron? K. kobach is such an example..
No explanation of the accusations...just kiddy, childish rants. Krissy has the
mindset of a person that has had a head injury from an accident...The only
reason I can think of for his psycho babble...Then again maybe all rightwingers
have similiar trauma from being dropped on their heads at birth..
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach repeatedly tore into Gov. Jeff Colyer when the GOP rivals shared a debate stage for the first time Friday night, accusing the new governor of living in a fantasy land and failing to uphold conservative principles.
Kobach mocked Colyer for thinking that a more than $500 million school finance bill, which he plans to sign, would put an end to the legal wrangling over school funding that has dominated the states politics for decades.
If you pay a kings ransom, which over 500 million bucks is a kings ransom, you are not going to solve the problem, Kobach said. The next day another lawsuit will be filed demanding another ransom. You cant live in a fantasy world where if we just keep paying, we just keep coughing up the money, then sooner or later everybodys going to say theres enough.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article208693454.html#storylink=cpy