Screw waggler...
Don't like her...never have...
And, she is accused of conflicts of interest over bingo, both in Topeka, and back home in Wichita, by her opponent Roberta Feist.
The first salvo fired by Feist in Wagle's direction had "bingo" written all over it.
"The public deserves to know how they're being represented in Topeka," Feist said last week. "During a year when budgets were tight and programs were being reduced, my opponent could not put the public's agenda ahead of her own."
Feist's campaign manager, Scott Schneider, charges Wagle with manipulating the legislative process for her own gain. "The public deserves to know the true Susan Wagle," he says.
Senate President Susan Wagle denounced Monday the Democratic governor’s pick for the Kansas Court of Appeals by highlighting the nominee’s politically charged social media posts on gun violence and abortion as well as repeated criticism of President Donald Trump.
Wagle, a Republican, said Twitter posts by District Court Judge Jeffry Jack, the majority of which touched on political issues and personalities, made him unsuitable for the appellate bench. He has no chance of being confirmed by a Senate composed of 28 Republicans, 11 Democrats and one independent, she said.
on edit...added comment by Roberta..