COVID Is Putting As Many Kansans In The Hospital As It Did In March
For six straight months, COVID-19 hospitalizations dropped steadily.
Kansans let down their guard. They stopped wearing masks. Most didn’t bother to get the vaccine.
Then the highly contagious delta variant arrived.
It took root, and is fueling a surge of the coronavirus worse than anything in the past several months. That’s led to steep increases in hospitalizations and fresh outbreaks in long-term care.
• Kansas reported 3,000 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the past week. The state hasn’t seen an increase like that since February.
• The daily count of COVID inpatients hit 275 last Wednesday — the highest since early March.
• Nursing homes and other long-term care sites are battling nine outbreaks this week, four times as many as three months ago.
And this is before schoolchildren and college students head back to classes in August.
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