Hoheisel wins late mail ballots, cements Democratic majority on Wichita City Council
Democratic challenger Mike Hoheisel claimed victory in the Wichita City Council District 3 race Friday evening after expanding his election-night lead over appointed incumbent Jared Cerullo.
“I’m looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and going to work, because there’s a lot of issues we’re facing down here on the southside,” Hoheisel said. “We need everybody to pull together. This is going to take a community effort to get us back on our feet.”
Hoheisel said the southeast Wichita district continues to suffer from the last 15 years of neglect as city resources have flowed to other areas.
“All the longtime southsiders have seen our community just steadily go downhill as meth has crept into our community, as mental health issues have gone unaddressed, as wages have failed to keep up with inflation,” he said. “People have lost their jobs, people have lost their livelihoods, property values have sunk and we’re just not getting quite the city services that we used to.”
Read more: https://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/election/article255589791.html