Kansas, you should be asking Jerry Moran if "transfer" in the attached GUN legislation
Kansas, you should be asking Jerry Moran if "transfer" in the attached legislation could possibly include, directly or otherwise, transfer to the world's trouble spots, such as Libya, where it is possible, as the Bush administration so clearly demonstrated, that American troops can be committed, because of violence from armed cohorts, to kill or die for however the "interests" of the USA are currently politically defined, by lobbyists from the NRA, who may be contributing to Moran's campaigns.
Text of Moran's bill: "No funds may be obligated or expended to use the voice, vote, and influence of the United States, in connection with negotiations for a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty , to restrict in any way the rights of United States citizens under the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, or to otherwise regulate domestic manufacture, assembly, possession, use, transfer, or purchase of firearms, ammunition, or related items, including small arms, light weapons, or related materials."