Use of the 'N-word' and denied promotions: Frankfort employee alleges workplace discrimination in
Use of the 'N-word' and denied promotions: city employee alleges workplace discrimination in federal suit
Quincy Thurman has been working nearly 23 years for the City of Frankfort. Now he's suing for damages based on a series of promotions he was not awarded and a litany of alleged racist incidents between himself and other employees in the city’s Public Works Department during that time.
The city has denied all of Thurman’s allegations.
The suit claims that co-workers used the N-word to refer to Thurman and other Black people. It also claims that some city employees compared Black people to animals and used racist stereotypes in Thurman's presence.
Thurman began working in the Public Works Department, Street Division, in November 1998. In the lawsuit, filed this March, it states that Thurman applied for 11 positions within public works and didn’t receive any of them.
Instead, the lawsuit alleges that white employees who were less qualified and had less seniority were hired for those positions eight times, and in the other three instances the positions were awarded to white employees with less seniority.
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(Frankfort State-Journal)