Related: About this forumKentucky Gov. Andy Beshear says state's COVID-19 situation is 'dire'
Sept. 5 (UPI) -- Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear on Sunday described the situation in the state as "dire" amid a surge in COVID-19 cases and clashes with the Republican legislature limiting his ability to implement preventative measures.
Kentucky recorded a seven-day average of 4,423 new daily COVID-19 cases on Saturday along with an average of 53 hospitalizations and 23.9 deaths per 100,000 people, according to a New York Times database.
"Our situation is dire," Beshear told NBC News' Meet the Press. "We're setting case records. We have a record number of Kentuckians in the hospital battling COVID, in the ICU battling for their lives. We have a record number of families that are praying for their loved one who is on a ventilator and needing that assistance to breathe."
Beshear, a Democrat, also cited a recent Supreme Court ruling which stated that a lower court could not block lawmakers' efforts to stifle his mitigation efforts such as mask mandates.
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(90,288 posts)"If I had the ability to do it right now, we would have a masking order when you are in public and indoors," Beshear said. "We know that's a proven way to slow the spread of the virus and ultimately help our healthcare capacity."
Beshear is trying to stop them from murdering their own. The Supreme Court said go for it. Kill them all.
And the stupid fools will not wear a mask or take a shot .
(5,109 posts)shut it down ! the only way your going to get rid of this shit ! damn near worked the first time ! then republican's got money hungry & opened again ! bingo , back in the same fucking boat & people too stupid to get their shot's ! freedom my ass , can't breath with a mask , don't fucking worry, can't breath 6 feet under ! read every damn day about antiva's , laughing my ass off when they say one died . at least they freedom of choice . grave yard's are running out of room for these freedom of choice people . getting away from this shit ! by the way , hey KENTUCKY , wear a fucking mask , distance , get rid of THE TURTLE & get you shot's & you'll be fine ! not that hard !