Former Kentucky basketball star on trial: Did he intentionally avoid $1.5M in taxes?
The trial of a former University of Kentucky basketball star started Monday with attorneys disputing whether or not Randolph Morris deliberately avoided paying taxes on $13 million in foreign income.
Federal prosecutors argued in court Monday that the former All-SEC basketball player deliberately avoided telling accountants and the federal government about the money he was making in China. He allegedly failed to report more than $13 million in income he received playing basketball for the Beijing Ducks. That resulted in about $4 million in evaded taxes, prosecutors said Monday.
The Foreign Tax Credit would have reduced that amount to about $1.5 million if Morris had filed his taxes properly, prosecutors said. In addition to the federal money that allegedly went unpaid, Morris is also charged with avoiding about $400,000 in taxes owed to Kentucky.
“He didn’t report any of it,” federal prosecutor William Moynahan said of money Morris made from 2010 to 2017 in the Chinese Basketball Association.
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