Kentucky Democratic Party far outraised its Republican rival in month before Beshear's reelection
FRANKFORT — The aggressive fundraising drive by the Kentucky Democratic Party in support of Gov. Andy Beshear’s reelection did not take its foot off the gas in October, raising more than triple what the Republican Party of Kentucky collected in the same period.
The KDP brought in $491,474 in contributions during the final full month before the Nov. 7 election, while the RPK raised $161,858, according to reports the parties filed early this week with the Federal Election Commission.
The contributions (most from people but a few from traditional political action committees) represent only part of the financial picture as each party also gets transfers of money from affiliated political committees. And this is where the KDP padded its lead in October, getting $1.9 million from the Democratic National Committee.
When all contributions and transfers are accounted for, the KDP reported $2.45 million in total receipts in October compared to $413,000 for the RPK in total receipts for the month.
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