Kentucky GOP lawmakers override governor and undo efforts to prevent renter discrimination
Source: Associated Press
Kentucky GOP lawmakers override governor and undo efforts to prevent renter discrimination
Updated 7:02 PM EST, March 6, 2024
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — A bill that will undo efforts in Kentucky’s two largest cities to ban landlords from discriminating against renters who use federal housing vouchers was restored Wednesday when Republican lawmakers quickly overrode the Democratic governor’s veto.
The lopsided override votes in the House and Senate, completing work on the bill, came a day after Gov. Andy Beshear vetoed the legislation. The governor, who won reelection last November, touted his veto at a Tuesday rally that commemorated a landmark civil rights march 60 years ago in Kentucky’s capital city.
It was Beshear’s first veto of this year’s legislative session, but more are expected amid policy clashes between the Democratic governor and the legislature’s GOP supermajorities. The governor saw his vetoes routinely overridden during his first term, and the script was the same on Wednesday.
The latest clash came over the bill to block local ordinances prohibiting landlord discrimination against renters relying on federal housing assistance, including Section 8 vouchers. Such bans on source-of-income discrimination in housing were approved in Louisville and Lexington — the state’s two largest cities. The legislation will nullify those ordinances, the bill’s supporters said.
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