Gov. Matt Bevin's likely Medicaid shake-up scares Kentucky patients
Before he got dental coverage, David Thompson, who works at various construction jobs, said he suffered for years with untreated dental pain and decay.
"I'd go to work and the pain would be so excruciating that I would literally at lunch go in the parking lot and pull my own teeth," said Thompson, 49, who lives in South Louisville.
Now, having just gained health coverage through Kentucky's expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, Thompson is hurrying to schedule dental and eye exams — care he said he urgently needs but realizes could be eliminated under major changes to Kentucky's Medicaid program proposed by Gov. Matt Bevin.
"I'm trying to do everything I possibly can before these rules change," said Thompson, a patient at Family Health Centers of Louisville. "Had I had insurance before this, I would have more teeth."
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